Sunday, September 11, 2016

About the blog

About the blog

Welcome to my first blog! I have posted many of my post now. Nonetheless, I haven't introduce my blog yet. Some visitor might want to know what is this blog about. So, they could know what this blog will talk about.

    Let me first introduce my name, I'm Kenneth,12 years old. I'm a seventh grade 
student in Thailand.

My picture

My inspiration to write a blog

Actually, I just want to write a blog about the thing I really want to share my thought to other people. So, I thought about the thing I like. I found out finally. I love travelling and IT. So, I start writing a blog as soon as I figured out. When I wrote, I found my self that I really enjoy it. Whether, the reader like it or not, I will still write and write and write. Maybe one day, People might love it. If you want to suggest me to write the new thing, you can comment on my blog.I promise you I will never dismiss your request and writing the blog. Finally, you know I'm just the child. My writing style may be very simple and may contain some grammar error. I have to say sorry for that. If you don't want to miss any new stuff, please press the button "follow"!

The blog

As you know, This blog is about travelling. It will be divided in to 5 topics which are Hotel, Restaurant, Travelling aboard, Travelling in Thailand, and My quote and tips. So, let's see what is each topic about?

Hotel: My review about hotel I have visited
Restaurant: My review about food and restaurant I have visited.
Travelling aboard: My aboard's trip review. This topic, I usually update once a year because I don't have much time. I'm a student. So sorry for that but I will try update it as much as I can.
Travelling in Thailand: My own country trip and general knowledge about it. Maybe seldom updated. I will try to make it benefits the foreigners who wanted to visit Thailand or have been in Thailand.
My quote and tips: If I found some helpful quote, I will post it here. Also my tips for success.
Mobile and IT conner: My IT and Mobile story.
Foreigner tips: For some foreigner who wants to know more about Thailand
Lifestyle: About anything that happened on earth.
note: 1.Information above can be changed if appropiate.
2.Generally, My blog use Thai.However in Foreigner tips, I use English.
3.I will put google translate for another language. Even if it was bad, I will try my best. LOL.

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